What is Reiki and how does it work?


Reiki is a popular energy healing technique that has garnered widespread attention for its ability to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Rooted in Japanese tradition, Reiki involves the channeling of universal life force energy to facilitate healing and balance. This article provides an in-depth look at what Reiki is, how it works, and the potential benefits it offers.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of alternative therapy that focuses on channeling universal life force energy (known as "Ki" in Japanese) to support healing and balance. The term "Reiki" combines two Japanese words:

  • Rei: Meaning "universal" or "divine."
  • Ki: Referring to "life force energy."

Developed by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century, Reiki is based on the principle that energy flows through all living things and can be harnessed to promote healing and well-being.

How Does Reiki Work?

  1. Energy Flow and Balance

    • Universal Life Force Energy: Reiki practitioners believe that the universe is filled with a vital energy that flows through all living beings. When this energy is disrupted or blocked, it can lead to physical, emotional, or spiritual imbalances.
    • Channeling Energy: During a Reiki session, the practitioner channels this universal life force energy through their hands to the recipient. This energy is said to flow through the recipient's body, helping to clear blockages and restore balance to the energy system.
  2. The Reiki Session

    • Initial Consultation: The session typically begins with a brief discussion about the recipient's physical, emotional, and spiritual concerns. This helps the practitioner understand the recipient's needs and tailor the session accordingly.
    • Energy Assessment: The practitioner may assess the recipient's energy field and chakras to identify any blockages or imbalances. This assessment can be done through observation, intuition, or gentle touch.
    • Hand Positions: The practitioner either lightly places their hands on or near the recipient's body in specific positions. These positions correspond to various energy centers or chakras. Hands may be placed on the head, shoulders, abdomen, and legs, or held above the body in a non-touch manner.
    • Energy Transfer: As the practitioner channels Reiki energy, the recipient may experience sensations such as warmth, tingling, or deep relaxation. The energy is believed to flow where it is most needed, addressing blockages and facilitating healing.
  3. The Healing Process

    • Restoration of Balance: Reiki aims to restore the natural flow of energy within the recipient's body, promoting balance and harmony. By clearing blockages and releasing stagnant energy, Reiki supports physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
    • Emotional Release: During and after a Reiki session, recipients may experience emotional releases or gain insights into their feelings and experiences. This emotional release can contribute to healing and personal growth.

Benefits of Reiki

  1. Physical Healing

    • Pain Relief: Reiki may help alleviate pain and discomfort by promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Many people report relief from conditions such as headaches, muscle tension, and chronic pain.
    • Improved Immune Function: By reducing stress and promoting relaxation, Reiki may support the body's natural healing processes and enhance immune function.
  2. Emotional and Mental Well-being

    • Stress Reduction: Reiki is known for its ability to induce deep relaxation, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. This relaxation response supports overall mental well-being.
    • Emotional Balance: Reiki can aid in processing and releasing stored emotions, contributing to emotional balance and stability.
  3. Spiritual Growth

    • Enhanced Awareness: Reiki can facilitate spiritual growth by helping individuals connect with their inner self and higher consciousness. This heightened awareness can lead to greater clarity and purpose.
    • Alignment and Harmony: Reiki supports the alignment of energy centers (chakras) and promotes a sense of harmony and connection with the universe.

What to Expect After a Reiki Session

  1. Immediate Effects

    • Relaxation: Most recipients feel deeply relaxed and at ease following a Reiki session. This relaxation can last for hours or even days.
    • Emotional Shifts: Some individuals may experience emotional shifts or insights as the energy is released and balanced. This can be part of the healing process.
  2. Long-Term Benefits

    • Ongoing Healing: The benefits of Reiki may continue to unfold in the days and weeks following a session. Regular sessions can support ongoing healing and personal growth.
    • Increased Awareness: Over time, individuals may notice an increased awareness of their energy and a greater ability to maintain balance and harmony in their lives.

How to Choose a Reiki Practitioner

  1. Qualifications and Experience

    • Training: Look for a practitioner who has completed reputable Reiki training and holds relevant certifications.
    • Experience: Consider the practitioner's experience and background in energy healing.
  2. Comfort and Rapport

    • Personal Connection: Choose a practitioner with whom you feel comfortable and at ease. A strong rapport can enhance the effectiveness of the session.
    • Referrals and Reviews: Seek recommendations from friends or read reviews to find a trusted and reputable practitioner.


Reiki is a gentle and effective energy healing technique that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being by channeling universal life force energy. By restoring balance and clearing blockages, Reiki supports overall health and healing. Whether you seek relief from physical discomfort, emotional balance, or spiritual growth, Reiki offers a holistic approach to enhancing your well-being. To experience its benefits, consider exploring Reiki with a qualified practitioner and integrating it into your self-care routine.